Hire Our Students
We have the best students equipped with practical knowledge, ready to lead your business to success
Benefits Of Hiring CIIB Students
- We teach our students as many practical skills as we can so that they will bring you solutions, rather than more questions.
- Our students have new fresh perspectives on your business needs.
- As a result of their work, they will bring you insights that will help you discover unusual opportunities.
- Get diverse perspectives from international talent.
- Quite a few of our students have already taken postsecondary education with us, and they already have expertise in their fields.
Our business students are ideal for the following roles:
- Business Analyst
- Technical Analyst
- Researcher
- Business Manager
- Financial Analyst
- Project Analyst
Our project management students are ideal for the following roles:
- Project Control Officer
- Project Analyst
- PMO Analyst
- Junior Project Manager
- Project Manager
- Business Manager
Hiring is Easy
Contact us and discuss your business needs
Interview potential candidates
Support your hire like a regular employee
Perform simple evaluation – midway and final
Reach Out to Us

Would you like to explore possibilities to hire CIIB students? Please contact us at: info@ciibinstitute.com
We also offer a service of our experienced in-house HR professionals who can perform pre-selection and pre-interview of candidates for your business need